Aicha Kakandou – La mi (Bamoun booty dance)

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Fouban Mendou, Cameroon music, Bamoun dance: shake that booty, Aicha Kakandou of Bamoun



camer2009 says:


bianca karibou says:

wèkèèè l’enfant de nkounga k je suis la plus belle langue o monde lol jkiff tro

nana69ization says:

Thanks Mike so you like Mendou Also I grew up in Bamon quarter with my grandmum. I have been enjoying this song for more than a year not knowing who posted it. Thanks again

thenanou97 says:

c’est super Mike de penser a nous autres, bravo Aicha l’amour n’a pas de couleur “LA MI” g pense a mon cheri lorsque j’ecoute cette chanson. Vive la culture
I miss my country. Merci

Claudy Pew says:


jibakoup says:

simplement agreable que dire de plus
bonne fete de ngouon a ts les bamouns

apportlst says:

at- Tinyurl[]com/37rktmv

CorrinRivaVerdie says:

wow.. u can download the full video here [ bit .ly/X2QFVl ]

tankquest1 says:

i like african music

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