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Ancient makossa video mix
Petit Pays, Jacky Doumbe, Manulo, Nguime, Djene Djento, Jean Paul Mondo



yvonne banmbuh says:

The title “remix” is wrong and misleading. I would like to thank thoms903
for posting but he needs to change the title!!!

ch jadam says:

Oh yes !!

Pauline Cacahuette says:

OH my god le big Jacky Doumbe

Muluh Mokom says:

Good musical collection but a poor compilation in using video clips of
different videos and superimposing them on the music to make it appear as
if the guys were dancing to the music playing.

yvonne banmbuh says:

@ Kwifor, I certainly agree with you 100%. I am surprised nobody else has
noticed it otherwise there would be more comments about it. The music is
definitely great though.

kimbi terence ngong says:

good collection but poor video clips

Sheryll Dean says:

c’est vrai sa la danse la c’est grave hein

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