Andre Marie Tala – Alekop

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folklore bamileke.



Lotanna says:

This song is sooooooooooooooooo pretty, He is sooooo talented and his eye disability has no effect on his supherb talent whatsoever. I AM so proud of our beautiful culture!

steph4345 says:

ohhh my countryyy
so happy , who put this song
peace to cameroon
j aime tro mon pays

FLArenegade says:

Makes me miss Cameroon so much……

zagayaw says:

c’est mon oncle!

youpcss says:

what a beautiful place cameroon.i cry every day when i think of it.

96229690 says:

once again..i did it

nichjelaime says:

oho hommo,tu es mon preferé au camé,

inloven says:

hahahahhaha c ça meme!!! Moi c mon grand frère!!! lol

landryrita says:

Papa Talla c vraiment le meilleur!!! comment rester insensible à un pareil genie!! je ne sais pas si vous avez noté la transition dans le rythme bend skin puis Makossa! Cameroun en Avant!!

traksat says:

Ce monsieur est vraiment un génie. Quand j´écoute cette chanson, j´ai la nostalgie du pays.
Bravo l´artiste.


Vraiment? Je suis grandi a bafoussam mais je vie an californie et j’ia oublie le francias, domage.
Its been so long that i heard such natural music, it brings back memories of childhood, I am almost crying.

Michel Tagne says:

Alekop Signifie :corruption !

lieblingeful says:

oh! my way. this song is killing me… good

Dantribeful says:

This is so classy in a grand style.

Solitude5424 says:

I can feel you, I crew up in Douala but left at a young age and now live in Canada, My french is okay because i can have conversations, but its limited, and i lost the dialect too and thats really sad


Wow. Is English now your first language and french Your second language? English has become my first language and Spanish my second while french has been relegated to third language since I life in Los Angeles and there is a massive Hispanic population.
How old where u when u left Cam and how are you now? I was seventeen when i left and I am 25 now and have been doing some heavy contemplation about the psycho-spiritual changes that occur when one migrates over huge cultural oceans

emadelizy says:

hahahaha ,moi je me rappelle c’est mon oncle…..belle musique

Bolzovfire says:

Ca me rappele L’Ouest. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH I eagerly want to go back..Tired of Uncle Sam’s Bullshits!!!!!!!!!!

Bolzovfire says:

Ca me rappele L’Ouest. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH I eagerly want to go back..Tired of Uncle Sam’s Bullshits!!!!!!!!!! Wherever you go, how prestigious the university you get in, how big you become, nothing will replace your fatherland…Nothing! We, the diaspora should give back to our poor brothers and sisters we left behind. Each and everyone who has “made it” has the duty to help out the unfortunate ones. Hope the message hit home!!

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