Anita Etta – Christmas in Yaounde (Gospel)

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Anita Etta reminisces about Christmas in Africa as she celebrates Christmas in America with jollof rice, goat stew, puff puff, dodo etc. She also reminds us that it is all about the Christ!



MrSmoshHiga says:

super nice video! too much autotune though, would love to hear your raw voice unedited! anyway cool video about christmas, definitely subscribing to you! keep up the good work and produce more videos like this! (Y)

Ben MSISKA says:

Beautiful, such a christmassy journey.

minimcinz says:

True Mr smosh higa too much autotune But it was good It got me in the xmas spirit

TheUpcoil says:

I believe the new Christmas Carol of the future has arrived now! Great video!

l33337 says:

I love crismass because thats the time for giving and i love giving

sithdroid says:


lamariaferari says:

me gusto mucho tu video te quedo genial 🙂 good job

WildAbraaa says:

Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Bill Gates, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.

FuriousPar says:

i have no idea what i just watch :O this is sooooooo weird.. 😛 still good video tho

KinderVibes says:

Great video and song, really enjoyed it, Christmas is the best!

charlotteisthebest2 says:

this is cool

ImThatLyricsGuy says:

Haha this is awesome, the autotune sounds really cool!

xdude4 says:

nice song

MrThesamster says:

its ironic how its almost christmas here. lololololololol

thesiqshow says:

beautiful song and beautiful woman!! We love Christmas, it is our Birthday!!

Nikomslabreh says:

this is perfect for this time of year!! Well shot!

DezileVisionz says:

beautiful song and beautiful woman!! We love Christmas, it is our Birthday!! 🙂

ToNy96Mc says:

just only be funny with you thx for upload video

lukidboy says:

I think this song is beautiful and awersome ,and vide too 🙂 Anita Etta is realy cute girl and i like her songs 🙂

MrDarkavenue says:

Very cool song/music video!

slytuts says:

i like this video, its a cool song and she is a sweet girl.
i hope you make more videos like this.

MrTheBrokenHeart1 says:

nice video 😉 

Skrapplekid says:

pretty nice song and music video. Keep it up, dont give up, you will make it 🙂

swedishgamerstudio says:

Sooooo awsome im hoping you are going to make more of these would be so awsome

SkirtProductionTV says:

its first time that i see something like that keep going

anitaetta says:

Thanks everyone for all the comments, keep em coming! Blessings to all

William Rivera says:

Producing this music video was a Fantastic Experience. You are very talented Anita. Merry Christmas !

Leo Ndzelen says:

this is a great song. To God be the Glory

sazzydip says:

great video keep up gal

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