Cameroon Music and Images

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Cameroon is the 39th country in my Music/Travel series.



plattform5163 says:

Beautiful pictures and nice music!

teufelszunge says:

Das ist ein sehr schönes Video. Die Bilder und die Musik passen zusammen.
Du bekommst 5 Sternchen von mir.

africanpride69 says:

ohhh , this is nice. Great images.

huekingston says:

korrekte molukken mucke 😀

Mbah33 says:

Thanks you so much for this images of our fatherland…

Mbah33 says:

What do you mean by that?

MegaRicson says:

i like this

bowoyama says:

what is this song called

cre8ivmind says:

“Lelo” by Ntoumba

Credits are at the end.

loswiwos says:

si te gusta Africa visita el blog cercadeafrica.wordpress

pokebattle12345 says:

hey what’s up? im doing cameroon for a school report right now. can you tell me anything about it? it would help me alot

Alexandre von Mayenburg says:

lived there 4 6 did not dissapoint

Sarah Murray says:

What language are they speaking?

MissGabiLove says:

ha ça redonne du baume au cœur .

npolaak says:


thurama panam says:

mon beau pays. love cameroon

22palma22 says:

i love cameroon

ransman413 says:

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it’s Zulu.

melco20 says:


Saundra Manyitabot says:

Why didn’t you show any city areas. Its people like you that embarrass us.

tristan coppens says:

the land of thiefs

tristan coppens says:

nice country, just a lot of people that lives are filthy thiefs

IIJust4yoUII says:

i came here cause my names cameron ;D

Raef Black says:

Lol rural Cameroon, try harder next time

SuperCrj123 says:

i was named after cameroon but my names cameron but i love cameroon best country in the world brofist

Landry Balbin says:

Show cities.. Dnt just show savana.. Cameroon looks way better than tht I grew up there

brokecreole says:


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