Dina Bell – Elissa

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Un hommage digne et émouvant de Dina Bell a une jeune femme trop tôt disparue.



douck2 says:

Très belle zic de Dina Bell …elle me rapelle pleins de moments tristes et heureux vaicuent au mboa … merci à toi Malaikadipita pour ctte zic qui me fait souvent pleurer de joie… en avant le Makossa

limbemen says:

could you tell me more about this pictures, oh my cameroon oh oh oh

laura berti says:

le grand Dina!!!!! un des grand artistes Camerounais……J’aimerai pouvoir avoir d’autre de ses albums…….aidez-moi s’il vous plait!!!!!!!I’m looking forward please

pirota819 says:

J’adore cette chasons grand merci Bazor.

gefcasting says:


Dina Bell’s music is good but I would relly eaning to do; just very lazy at times.

good.like to appreciate your simple video. Those who understand Dualla would realise that you spent a lot of time choosing the right photos that describe what he saying. I really like that. it’s something I’ve been m

Malaïka Dipita says:

Hi Gefcasting,
Thank you for appreciation and thank you for taking time to say it. I just try to illustrate this amazing and sensitive song.I’m glad that you like the video.

SuperShade64 says:

Can someone please give a translation to this song? I sense he is telling a story and I would love to know what the story is about.


lamyarts says:

MalaikaDipita , thanks for giving life once more to this song.I’m a Dj in Washington DC and must thank you immensely for this job.We who live thousands of miles from home need to reconnect in this way.
One favor, can you do the same thing with “Bosinga” by Petit Pays? He’ll be here in a month and I wanna surprise him with it.
Thanks once again. Gracias

mas terlove says:

those guys are the gods of music. If a failure like Roby Williams was smart and open-minded enough, he could buy some of someone like Dinabelles music and claim all copy write, and translate them into English. Inventing a new trend in the West!!

Malaïka Dipita says:

Thanx 4 your comment. The song seems to be a dramatic family story. A guy was in jail because of one reason and as he was there his wife died leaving their two little girls. Many rumors and lack of compassion were manifested. By this song the singer replace this tragedy above a gossip and bring it back in an intimate tragerdy. Sorry for my english. Home that will help you.

kondo23 says:

This reminds me of home. This is really awsome! Thank you very much. You made my day!

Mbah33 says:

Grand Dina Bell merci pour tout ce que toi et les font pour garde le peux qui nous restent avec la music camerouniase!!!!Du courage mon frere, pere ous what ever you are..

thugkmer says:

wédé moto

Malaïka Dipita says:

I’m glad that you liked this post. Thanx for the comment

Malaïka Dipita says:

Merci pour lui

Malaïka Dipita says:

Je suis touchée par votre commentaire. Je posterai des vidéo dès que possible.

Malaïka Dipita says:

I love this song too. Thaks for comment

Malaïka Dipita says:

o ka yese !


vraiment respect Mr dina bell, la jeunessene camerounaise doit écouter le vrai makossa conscient des pionners

Nkeng76 says:

Oh music with love,care&feelings for the art,Great !Great!, grand BAZOR.reminds one of many things,Thanks4the posting.

Nkeng76 says:

Words do come too short sometimes to describe the emotions,this track can bring out of someone.special thanks to M.Dipita,much blessings,thanks and God’s protection to Dina BELL


merçi monsieur dina bell; le pays me manque cette chanson est un voyage perpétuelle à chanque fois que je l’écoute;
une pensé à tous ceux qu’on a perdu

kimbokassa says:

c est ma source d inspiration merci a toi qui pense a nous en mettant a notre disposition cette video, merci et du courage.

marie maty says:

this song is full of emtions and brings soo much memories and emotions out now am just couting the days until i reach cameroon ma land xx love to all cameroonians and Africans

danielmedjo says:

This really is a masterpiece! I began listening to Dina Bell back in high school. I loved the man’s music right away. Have been a fan ever since. He’s just sooooo goooood! Thanks a ton MalaikaDipita for such a gift…CAMEROON….

danielmedjo says:

This really is a masterpiece! Began listening to Dina Bell back in high school and, gee, I loved the music. Have been a fan since…The Guy’s no doubt one of Africa’s (and I mean it) most talented artists. The guy’s sooooo goooooood….Thanks a ton MalaikaDipita for this beatiful gift to all of us who missed Le Pays so much……..Keep postings of such jewels of Cameroonian art coming…please???

EboaLotin says:

Quel tube. Écoutez le son de la bass. Il y a au camer un belle école de la bass, Bona en est une fantastique illustration

EboaLotin says:

Quel tube. Oh Dina. Ecoutez comment la guitare bass ponctue le rythme. Il y a au camer un vrai école de la basse. Bona est une belle illustration !

jujuetkarel says:

Oh quel frisson j’en ai les larmes aux yeux !Je suis francaise mais fille de Kmer (ma mere s’est mariée avec un douala kan j’avais l’age de 18 mois donc j’ai eu la chance d’avoir cette double culture/éducation).Cette chanson m’a bercée petite.Le coeur bat a 100 km/h au son des basses ! Merci mille fois a toi qui a publié cette vidéo qui me fait penser a ma feu mere (décédée en avril) Na tondi Wa Njita mama Isa…wééé tu es partie trop vite! Na mongele wa na tééé ta juju


Mon Dieu….. ne chanson de mon enfance. Dina Bell, quel talent !


Est – ce que quelqu’un peut me traduire cette chanson SVP ?

Malaïka Dipita says:

Je suis infiniment touchée par ce témoignage. Et je compatis à cette douleur que l’on ne connaît que si on l’a vécue. Merci d’avoir partagé cette part de vous Juju et courage au coeur de cette indicible absence.

Malaïka Dipita says:

Je ne saurais traduire au mot près mais dès que possible je viendrai vous en donner les grandes lignes d’accord , Merci pour le commentaire

nat NATLI says:

Le grand BAZOR!!!

tinarowi59 says:

je découvre cette musique aujourd’hui; et comme toujours c’est avec une grande maîtrise que le grand “BAZOR” la chante.
ça nous fait penser à revenir au pays.

tinarowi59 says:

Longuè e titi to lambô.
Merci Malaika pour cette vipes que je suis 7jr/7.

tsquaresholdings says:

The baseline is incredible! Who was on the bass guitar on the recording of this song, Kotto Bass? I can narrate my whole high school story on this song! 3&1 night club back in the days with late DJs Doumbe and Marcial, may they RIP!

tsquaresholdings says:

I spent my high years with this song as my favorite. Those days at 3&1 night club in Kumba, with DJ Marcial and Doumbe. May they RIP. This song moves something within me, I cannot put my fingers on!

The bass line is a masterclass!

tsquaresholdings says:

What a masterpiece of a bass line!

MrEbais says:

The best of Dina Bell—I know he still has Yoma Yoma

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