Group Zangalewa – Suite Zangalewa1

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Musician Army group from cameroon, really funny. Groupe Zangalewa du Cameroun grand hit des annees 80…



Onlineshrekjr says:

just got zangalewa roll’d

delenn97 says:

Esthoo no es iguaal al waka waka lo unicoo qee thienee de parecidoo es
Zangalewaa ii es soloo una palabraa oseaa qee me vaan a demandaar si digoo
Zangalewaa por qee la canciion lo dijoo 1roo?? Zangalewaa zangalewaa
zangalewaa Aveer dondee esthaan los abogadoos?? si demandaroon a Shakiraa
por qee no a mi???

trishaashraf says:

@lilsaf 1abuser1 is a fool their is no point of answering a looser like

Stephen Tadi says:

i remember hearing this back in zimbabwe on zbc really funny song

Singuensful S says:

@Sndrtj no they dont,they sing about hard life in the Army and how they
must stay strong.but they are jokes

lmsc19 says:

a hand up if you iven know hat the heck these guy post cause u dont know

glotzu says:

Ce serait bien si quelqu’un pouvait traduire cette chanson!

bradrub666 says:

@ofjdshakip9 Seguro,pero no es su creación, como ella misma lo reconoce; en
otras palabras se beneficia de un ritmo que recopiló. Sería bueno que
alguito se quede en aquel pueblo camerunés.

SeamanNL says:

I have a feeling that this clip and song is recorder a couple of minutes
before they recorderd Waka Waka, haha.

COCOLISO9085 says:

@Alekospoquemm …..Que racísmo , en pleno siglo XXI. Sabiendo que la
humanidad nacío en Africa.

Omar Janneh says:


babalocaguagua says:

@996737 agree

Capristar100 says:

@Tokina71 Tu te ridiculises en postant des commentaires sans connaitre tous
les details de l histoire . As tu vraiment ecoute cette chanson en entier ?
non surement pas vu ton commentaire . Ce qui n est pas le cas de Shakira
puisqu’ elle s en est largement inspire pour” rendre hommage” a lafrique
.Mais ce que je trouve le plus vexant c est quelle n a pas eu l honnêteté
de dire que le morceau original est de Zangelewa.

Terrence Mbewe says:

i remember when i was growing up i used to listen to this song alot from tv
i don’t know what it talks about but it reminds me of when i was growing up
zambia national broadcasting cooperation played it alot in the ninties

Pedro G. Lima says:

this is better than shakira’s waka waka

Anthony jr giammaria tovar says:

viva barranquilla y todas las ciudades champeteras arriba caribeños

enesfra says:

@juanchoquilla thanks for ur precision, we’ve been mixed up now its clear

0Sora0Lirio0 says:

shakira pidio permiso para cambiar la letra de la cancion a este grupo, y
ellos aceptaron, asi que no es propiamente un robo

trishaashraf says:

@lilsaf Buser is foolish their is no need of answering a looser like himher

elfirebrand says:

@nino0474 jodaaa lookooooooo sonó y sigue sonando hey pilas frias van frias

Bendhera says:

Oh, this song has brought so many memories.. How old was I? 8yrs old.
Hahaha… It suddenly caught on to put clothes under shirts & shorts to
look like them

bulgarianbellydancer says:


Jonathan DelRey says:

shaki’s song is maybe inspired by this one but hers is very very very
different and much much much better there is just a little similarity in
the chorus that’s it i mean everyone danced the waka waka in the world
you’ve past good moments so thank her instead of hatin

Tokina71 says:

@prodijip t’es obligé de parler comme s toi ? t’es sur d’en avoir eu des
parents parec que pour parler comme sa faut avoir un sacré manque

achilles1963 says:

@shakira23456789 There’s no maybe here…she plagiarized and denied it…we
don’t need her version, this was much better and always will be…they
tried to stuff her song down our throats but look where it is now…junk

lahmzak says:

Man, I love this song. I´m dutch, and this song is used in the review
program after the world cup games in south africa. I just cant stop
listening to this :O I’m jealous, we don’t have such music here. 🙁

sssnsule says:

« C’est une chanson écrite pour donner du tonus au jeune soldat dans les
périodes difficiles”, explique-t-il. There is a whole story behind that
clip, and not just strictly fun as kamerunzz wants you to believe. The
members of that group are scattered all over, but the army band still
remains up to date.

ZeeDawgzProductions says:

man i m from zimbabwe but this song killed me when i was in primary school
man 19 now but this song will always and will be one of my fev songs

Tokina71 says:

@prodijip Et quand j’écris sur mon clavier je vais tellement vite que je
fais pas gaffe au faute ni a l’ordre des lettres a certains mots alors S’il
te plait excuse moi j’aurais du continuer mes études après mon Bac puisque
cela ne plait pas a Monsieur

Muchaia1 says:

Die Originality afrika.

john i ray says:

Shakira’s version is more professional, and presentable than the so call
the original. anyway non of them can claim ownership, they both picked it
from the streets. this song has been there for years before the so call
original version was recorded.

boogossdu54 says:

@Tokina71 la meme pensée que toi

sergey brain says:

aha shakira got her song from this one.

Piwai says:

big tune in zimbabwe

Tokina71 says:

@prodijip Mdr les gens quand ils sont vexé ils savent plus quoi repondre !
Sa te va y pas trop de fautes ? Comparer a certains moi ce que je marque
c’est compréhansible et par rapport a toi je parle correctement, j’insulte
pas les gens gratuitement. Pis tu te rendra des comptes tout seul parce que
c’est toi qui est venu me parler a ce que je sache –‘

trottlesnot says:

ha ha, these guys even shake their ass better then shakira does!!

sssnsule says:

@emerypacifique1 Zangalewa pgroup played this song in 1981, I was in the
University of Yaounde by then, and they used to come and stage it at the
Amphi 700 of the University oo Yaounde. “Zangalewa est constituée
d’onomatopées de l’argot des tirailleurs camerounais. L’expression découle
de Zangá-lowa qui signifie (en langue Ewondo du Cameroun) “qui t’a appelé
(dans l’armée) ?”, explique M. Zé Bella, à l’origine du titre avec Guy Dooh
et Emile Kojidie

jenniferph26 says:


masxutesno says:

@kitschp im with u!!

MrRogerguy says:

1978 Cameroun – Yaounde – MANGO BAR – ero a capo del gruppo Les Ndenga’s
Boy, dal nome del comandante della guardia presidenziale, WAKA WAKA è un
brano del repertorio musicale militare della Repubblica del
Cameroun….vedi video “Zangalewa Waka Waka” Shakira e la Sony non si sono
inventati niente….

famize123 says:

ptain la chanson est nul

rohasol says:

J’aime cette musique. Il se souvient de moi de mon temps enfance! Nous
avons utilisé de la chanter en Amharique, en Éthiopie.

B. Tanga says:

@famize123 dira-tu la meme choz si cette chanson avait ete faite
ailleurs??? t’n sais rien dc tu la ferme ok?

Marc-Kenny DELLY says:


André-Georges N'Fongang says:

Ammanuel Melaku says:

A lot of childhood memories to this song.

Angelo Santoni says:

How can I be racist if my great great great great great great great great
great great great great great great great great great great great great
great great great great great great great great great great great great
great great great great great great great great great great great great
great great great great great great great great great great great great
great great great great great great great great great great great great
great great great great great great grandparents were african?

luis hoyos says:

que saborea pa gopsear tan liundo

Julius Momanyi says:


HuzoTv45 says:

Big Tats 

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