Irma – Every smile

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Irma : Every smile.

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  • Views:585,015 views
  • Categories: Afropop, Irma


hastanga69 says:

beautiful: )) Is she french?

Eduarda Monteiro says:

if i’m not mistaken she is french 🙂

cacaosunrise says:

Great 🙂 

NWOAHM says:

she’s on her way to become a star

mishka qoiava says:

dzalian miyvarxar :*:* yvelaze metad :*:*

cajaltube1 says:

check this on youtube: Irma – I know (Thomas Cajal remix) BIg hit for this summer 2012

ema1398 says:

wow. to istnieją ludzie którzy kochają polskę? 😉

audax141 says:

she has a lovely voice!!! :)

LifeLovesMusicForeve says:

this song keeps me smiling…. 🙂

thanks for it… it always helps me… (:


cajaltube1 says:

Nouveau remix pour les clubs!!! Irma – I know (Thomas Cajal remix) - YouTube
regardé ça!!!

TiEoMa says:

beautiful <3 love the song and your voice, very enjoyable

Spiralny Vloger says:

Ja Kocham nie gorzów -,- Tylko Zieloną Górę !

Marianella Conde says:


Iris Daphne Scuttle says:

Ha una voce molto bella, mi piace proprio tanto questa cantante!

MayforceTW says:

healing healing

VY VY says:


amira69800 says:

I love this song so much that I can’t keep myself from listening it again and again, her voice and sensitivity is so attractive!! Keep on doing it well, I love you sis’!!

totorophile91 says:

ecouter i know

Ana Meparishvili says:

please add guitar chords ! ! !

flamyneedlove83 says:


XzamsX says:

WOW tes chançons me transporte dans un monde meilleur ! n’arrêtes surtout pas!

myriam1199 says:

yo t’est la meilleur noire que je conaisse et moi ca me rend fière d’en être une je t’adore Irma (pis t’est très belle j’aime ton style)

Fitra Jehwoh says:

you really make my day 😀

simleuan says:

she is already a star

SeniEnnairam says:

good song:)

lila talbot says:

♫ ♥Idem j’adore♥ ♪

Kornelia Strojecka says:

i ♥ her songs

Kornelia Strojecka says:

I agree with you SeniEnnairam

Hoden Krebs says:

Really hopefully and beautiful song! (:

takamune ishizu says:


Amine TABERKIT says:

Amazing Song, Love it <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

ani bochorishvili says:


kettukummi says:

its just so cute/on the nice way/,when people with german native language says “hopefully” instead “hopeful 🙂 i`m living in a squat in a german speaking country and use to hear this phrase a lot from my local squat mates 😉

Lenka Hasmanova says:


zzausel says:

You are so cute saying “people says” instead of “people say” – and adoring the same cutie 😉

Violetin Sanz says:

adorable canción! <3

1davla says:

Trinity…….. sweet trinity

fist11 says:

Whats her whole name wana search more?

Tsunoll96 says:


bonneesprit says:

I love this is song.

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