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larmisdor says:


Tontanette says:

Big kiss à celui qui a posté ce song. La chanson si me touche jusqu aux os.

aris ariston says:

Good memories, Manulo is great

quickaction1 says:

Ooh my God, that is the meaning of Makossa, here u know that Guitar can speak… Good job

cutandgo says:

A great artist. I have a CD of his music which is danceable from the beginning to the end so I rarely listen to it lest I die from exhaustion.

Fadil76 says:

Que le Tout Misericodieu benisse tous ces grands et leur donne prosperite et longe vie pour avoir su entretenir les Camerounais a leur epoque. Ils resteront a jamais dans nos memoires. Oooooh la vie….

larmisdor says:

can u upload the cd here?

daniel robert massouke says:

que les jeunes musiciens prennent exemple sans avoir honte car c’est du bon

Celestine Ijaro Akpere says:

Pls can any one here in the room give me the title of the Manulo’s track which say “Thief man na who na arata na simbi na pussy?” I have long been trying to find this track but I couldn’t.

77floren says:

ça c’est du makossa show ! du vrai!

conie1 says:

ça c’est du bon!! du realy bon!!!!

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