Shakira – Waka Waka Zangalewa (lyrics)

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I do not own this song

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  • Views:8,115 views
  • Categories: Zangalewa


NetworkRFilms says:

Best Song EVER

era garcia says:

yes hehe

thaliacolon0520 says:

Love this song

shadowriver319 says:

Beautiful song

dantesinferno98ss says:


Kristina Conway says:

i will always love this song.. <3

Syd Cat Bus says:

dunno what to use for my lucario tribute…this because lucario is a fierce warrior…or something that has aura…damn i stuck. anyone got ideas?

lisboa708 says:

la copa de la vida best song! puts this shit to shame!

Lps Rock says:

best song ever!

lamn367 says:

Like this song

odalisangulo51 says:

My school kindergartens damce this song on black history month

Rachael Morgan says:

i love this song good job shakira

reshma rejukumar says:

I want to learn this song

Fay Theo says:

I dancing to this at school

Capptine Evans says:

I love your voice waka waka a ya a ya

Capptine Evans says:

I know

download0015 says:


Fern Allen says:

shut up.

download0015 says:

What? I’m asking serious

Fern Allen says:

it still is!

Fern Allen says:

O.o ……………………

Fern Allen says:


dapuddin123 says:

Come shakira keep u the excellent work coz dat was fucking amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ikn0wful says:

Thanks, this helps me make my own moves for Zumba

jamiya winzer says:

tha is the song ohh yeah

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